El clima actual en Puerto Viejo y Cahuita es:

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Lluvia moderada

Lluvia moderada min: 24.5° C
max: 29.1° C
90% probabilidad de lluvia
5.67 mm precipitaciones

Lluvia moderada a intervalos

Lluvia moderada a intervalos min: 23.6° C
max: 28.7° C
89% probabilidad de lluvia
1.77 mm precipitaciones

Pasado mañana:
Lluvia moderada a intervalos

Lluvia moderada a intervalos min: 22.5° C
max: 28.3° C
87% probabilidad de lluvia
1.99 mm precipitaciones

Última actualización el 22 de octubre, 7:15 AM CST

Tome nota que el clima aquí cambia rápidamente — no se preocupe si está lloviendo, el sol saldrá pronto.

Indicar en Farenheit/Pulgadas

Impulsado por weatherapi.com

¿En general, qué tal el clima?

Al contrario a la opinión popular que es que siempre llueve en el Caribe, la Costa del Caribe Sur es en realidad uno de los lugares más secos en Costa Rica, tomando en cuenta la precipitación total a través de todo el año - véase éste diagrama para ver la comparación de las diferentes zonas en Costa Rica.

La diferencia es que en éste lado del país, la precipitación se reparte más por todo el año. También tome nota que la mayoría de la lluvia llega en la noche y los días se vuelven despejados en las mañanas. Los diagramas climáticos abajo le darán una idea general sobre el modelo, pero también es cuestión de suerte. Y en la mayoría de los casos, cuando llueve, puede ser corto, pero con una cantidad de agua que nunca vio antes. Puede ser muy mágico.

average temperatures Puerto Viejo
Average rainfall Puerto Viejo

Como puede ver, la temperatura en promedio casi no varía en el curso del año. La precipitación varía un poco. En el diagrama parece que siempre llueve, pero mientras sí hay un poco de lluvia casi todos los días, puede ver en el diagrama que muchas veces empieza a llover en plena noche o hay un aguacero pequeño en la tarde y después sale otra vez el sol. Los meses más secos son septiembre y octubre, los que por casualidad son los meses más húmedos en el lado del pacífico con lluvia casi constante. ¡Recuerde eso si tiene planes de viajar a Costa Rica en otoño!

Los diagramas son por cortesía de WorldWeatherOnline.com. Véase este sitio para obtener más información y para comparar los otros destinos en Costa Rica. Una residente de Playa Negra ha coleccionado diligentemente la precipitación mensual en sus propios diagramas y sus números corresponden bastante a estos.

puerto viejo surfer 300

Información y condiciones de surfear

La zona de Puerto Viejo tiene algunas playas hermosas para surfear, tanto para novatos como para avanzados. ¡El campeón costarricense de surf Gilbert Brown es de aquí! Recibimos muchas preguntas sobre las condiciones para surfear en la zona.

Buenos lugares para surfear alrededor de Puerto Viejo:
Playa Negra es donde los novatos van a surfear y donde se pueden encontrar a menudo los instructores dando clases.
Playa Cocles es una playa hermosa para surfistas intermedios y avanzados. A menudo hay campeonatos nacionales en esta playa.
Salsa Brava es el lugar para surfistas más avanzados.
Playa Grande en Manzanillo también es popular para novatos y se ofrece lecciones. Especialmente el parte entre Manzanillo y Punta Uva.

Las mejores olas las hay desde noviembre hasta marzo.

CRSurf.com tiene reportajes de surfear de todo el país. Ver esa página por información en las playas del surf en el Caribe Sur.

SurfReports.com tiene información sobre las condiciones actuales para surfear en Salsa Brava.

Surfline tiene información sobre las condiciones actuales para surfear en Salsa Brava.

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Is sargassum normally an issue in April? We were there last year in October and there was none but we want to come back in April.

July 22, 2024

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Since last night playa negra is knee deep in sargassum ... anyone know of a beach between here and Manzanillo where we can swim today? Thanks!

March 06, 2022

What are people saying about us?

Aruna Fjastad

Hi Doug,
Thanks for all the research that went into mak8bg this site SO informative!
I'm seriously considering moving from Kenya to the CR Caribbean side but my main concern is how much of a permanent expat community is there? Im here right now & feels very transient in terms of finding friends here.
Any comments would be extremely useful.

February 06, 2019

What are people saying about us?

Doug Dosdall

In my experience there's a huge expat community, many of whom have been here for many many years. If you get involved in some of the local efforts you will no doubt find connections. CATCAS is the local business org.

February 06, 2019

What are people saying about us?


Your website is extremely helpful. Thank you! I have been looking online for any webcams for the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. Do you know of any?

November 10, 2018

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Puerto Viejo Satellite

I don't know of any, no. I was actually looking myself a few weeks ago since I thought that would be a useful thing to add to this page. But no luck.

November 11, 2018

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Planning a trip to CR either over Christmas/New Year or Easter and definitely want to visit the area.

Have read all the various opinions on weather and accept the point above that its unpredictable and shouldn't impact the day.

Question I have therefore is which of the two times of year is best?

Late Dec or early Apr?

Or does it make no difference?

October 16, 2018

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Puerto Viejo Satellite

Well if you look at the weather charts you'll find that April generally has less rain than December...but these things really are hard to predict. The other thing to note is high season starts at Christmas and the week over Christmas/New Year's is generally considered peak season with extra high pricing for some places and you may have already missed the chance to book some of the best hotels/vacation rentals for the Christmas/New Year's week. April is generally quieter with one big exception: the week from ending on Easter Sunday Apr 21 is "Semana Santa" in Latin America and is a huge holiday. Town will be packed with Costa Rican tourists as well as international ones.

October 17, 2018

What are people saying about us?

Priscilla Fernández Abarca

Hello, I'm planning on going to Puerto Viejo on the last week of March, was wondering how was the weather on this period of the year. If it's supposed to be raining a lot or dry?

February 26, 2018

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Conte Lorusso

We stayed in Cahuita over New Year period and had nearly constant rain - the sun was out part of 1 morning for 5 days. When we left, the sea was wild and the color of mud. Rain was predicted for the next week, so we cancelled our plans to go to Manzanillo.

January 11, 2018

What are people saying about us?


Hi! We are planning to visit Puerto Viejo in late December ( 20th) and enjoy it's beauty. I am reading tons of discouraging posts about heavy rain,lots of mud. What is your call and experience on rain in December in Puerto Viejo- Cahuita area? Many thanks, abrazo, Mishka

November 22, 2017

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I can't say this enough about the Caribbean: weather is unpredictable! There's very little defined season here for when it's raining unlike the Pacific. But I also can't say this enough: it rarely rains enough to ruin your day. Rain, when it comes, comes in short spurts and often overnight. You go on with your day and appreciate the break from the heat! As for mud, that's not a problem in coastal areas; that's a problem in the mountains so I'm not sure where you're hearing that but it's not accurate about Puerto Viejo or the other beach communities. In 25 years of going to Puerto Viejo many many times I've had 1 trip which had exception storms and the weather ruined it but that was a truly exceptional situation! Every other time was glorious and/or I found it too hot.

November 23, 2017

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My fiancee and I plan to stay for the first week of March near Manzanillo (Caribbean coast). We are based in London and love Costa rica's incredible biodiversity but mostly really miss the sun.
Do you think it is a good choice or if the sun is our n.1 priority we should go somewhere else?

I saw the charts you attached in your answer but I don t realise what it represent on a daily basis..

Thanks in advance for your answer


December 27, 2016

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Puerto Viejo Satellite

The Pacific has clearly defined rainy and dry seasons, the Caribbean not so much. Generally it rains for a bit then the sun comes out and it is glorious! Often the rain is at night at well. March is one of the drier months on the Caribbean Coast so it's an excellent choice! On the other hand, the dry season on the Pacific Coast MAY be ending by March; usually it's January to March and pretty reliably sunny but when it ends it is definitely rainier than the Caribbean.

December 27, 2016

What are people saying about us?


I am traveling through Costa Rica December to January. Starting off our trip down the north Pacific Coast Tamarindo through to Jaco and then over to the carribean coast first week of January ...probably stay in Puerto Viejo or Cahuita for a short week in January .... I have just read that this is the rain season in Puerto Viejo and that its constant rain? is that correct as I am concerned that we will be washed out by rain? Also visiting Bocas del Toro in Panama while in VP.... Should i be concerned about the rain ? thanks

October 19, 2015

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Puerto Viejo Satellite

The Pacific has clearly defined rainy and dry seasons, the Caribbean not so much. Generally it rains for a bit then it stops and your go on with your day. As you can see from the rainfall charts above January is NOT one of the rainiest months historically so whoever told you that is misinformed. January however is generally one of the driest months on the Pacific so perhaps by comparison.

October 19, 2015

What are people saying about us?

Gio from USA/DC
hot and oppressive?

Dear All,
I am planning to come to PV w/ my family (two kids 9, and 14, and hubby) from mid June to mid July. I've heard so many things about the weather from comfortable to hot and oppressive in the upper 90's. We are supposed to stay in a hostel only w/ fans. Plus, I don't want to be miserable in general. I don't do well w/ humidity. Is Boca del Toro (Panama) better? Should we only stay in Turrialba since w/ the elevation it should be better? THANK YOU!!!!!

January 31, 2015

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cindy l wallace from los angeles
Seeking a bit of travel advice

Hello, Im travelling to Costa Rica for the very first time in a couple of weeks. I really would like to stay a bit in Puerto Viejo. I was wondering what the weather would be like during this time. I know there is rain but how much rain is to be expected at the end of May. Thanks!!!!

May 11, 2014

What are people saying about us?


Hi Cindy -- moved your comment to the weather page. As you can see above, May is historically one of the wetter months but the Caribbean weather doesn't tend to be nearly as predictable as the Pacific side which in this case is a good thing since it is generally unrelentingly wet on the Pacific at this time of year. The Caribbean is hard to predict on any given day but the good news is that it is a rare day where it rains all day, usually there's some rain in the afternoon or overnight and the day is still great to enjoy.

May 11, 2014

What are people saying about us?

cindy l wallace
Thanks Doug!

Thank you Doug for your help. Ive been to Jamaica so the weather sounds typical for the Carib. I think I will probably skip the pacific side and just divide my time in PV and Arenal. I really look forward to checking the area out and meeting all the wonderful people. If you have tips on your favorite hotels on the beach pleas of please share.

May 12, 2014

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