5 new year’s resolutions for Puerto Viejo

1. I will stop and smell the orchids. Slow down and appreciate the wonderful place we live in. Choose to walk or bike instead of drive. If you do drive give priority to the wildlife, pedestrians and bicycles! More at sustainable Puerto Viejo

2. I will shop locally and support local artisans and merchants. Puerto Viejo doesn’t have big box stores and we can keep it that way by supporting local artisans, local products and merchants. Chocolate made here supports the rainforest and local jobs and doesn’t have the carbon footprint of something shipped across the world. See all the local shopping options here

3. I will eat a mostly plant based diet. Keeping meat and animal based products to a minimum will keep our planet and bodies healthier. See our vegetarian and vegan page for lots of great places to eat and buy yummy vegetarian and vegan food.

4. I will give back to my community. Much of whats makes this a wonderful place is the efforts of people in the community and visitors to make it that way by volunteering their time or donating to local causes.

5. I’ll use less stuff and recycle what I do use. Maybe start with quitting plastic water bottles; our tap water is safe to drink here so bring your reusable water bottle and fill it up. I can recycle plastic, cans, glass, and tetrabrik.

Dec 31 2017 View story on facebook

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